An Interview with Sergio Cariello
By: Jek Tezak
Sergio Cariello has drawn our hero for some time now. We have some questions for you Sergio, related to the the art of Azrael. Thanks for taking the time out of your busy schedule at DC Comics to do this interview.
How did you land the job of doing the art for Azrael: Agent of the Bat?
Denny requested me as the regular Artist on Azrael after working with me on Legends of the Dark Knight #127 to #131.( Bats /Green Arrow mini-series).
Did you read Azrael previous to getting the job of doing the art?
I had read a few issues prior to getting the job.
We know that the Azrael line will eventually come to an end at issue #100. Will there be any hype for the last issue, like chromium, cardstock covers?
I really don’t know if the last last issue will get any special treatment.
What line will you do after the Azrael line is finished?
Only God knows for sure what I’m gonna be doing after Azrael.
As in our interview with Joe Quesada, he said that many artists had trouble drawing the Azbats armor. You seem to draw it quite well in fact, was it hard to keep drawing a complex piece like that, frame after frame?
I had fun doing the Azbat suit. I didn’t have a problem with it.
Can you give us an idea of what it takes to complete an issue of Azrael?
It takes a month of hard work.
1)I start by doing small, 4×6 mini version/layout version of the whole book, from Denny’s scripts,in about 2 days…
2)I then transfer 11 of those layouts to the boards in about one day
3) and fax them, reduced, to Mike Carlin, so he can place the balloons while
4) I mail the actual boards to the letterer. While Jack Morelli letters the first batch of pgs
5) I work on the last 11 pgs. In a few days I get the first 11 boards back from Jack, lettered and with the panel borders inked.
6)So now I’m ready to ink the pages, adding enough details to the rough layout pencils before inking them. I’ll get the last pgs from Jack before I’m even done with the first 11 pgs. By the end of the month I get to work on the next book layout. After all is done
7) I’ll erase all the pencils. Add or white out whatever is necessary before sending the pages to DC Comics. That’s about it.
It takes a lot of of prayers, references, erasing, reworking, long hours on the board, juggling between teaching at the Kubert School and other projects, lots of coffee, lots of ink, paper, pencil leads, more erasers and a great amount of fun!!!! I love it!!!!!
In your very honest opinion, what do you think of the character?
I really enjoy drawing Az, JP and the rest of the characters. I think JP is a bit confused and insecure, but he has some good qualities as a person. He just needs to be pointed in the right direction.
How long have you been in the comic industry?
About 11 years in America. But my first published work was in Brazil, in the local Newspapers. I was 11, back in 1975. I wrote, drew and lettered my own comic strip, Frederico, the Detective! And later, at 14 , I did caricatures for political spot illustrations, before coming to America in 1985.
Where did you go to school, or is your talent natural?
I believe it’s a God given talent!. I’ve been drawing since I could hold a pencil.I was mainly “self taught” but I did go to the Kubert school for a year and a half, before getting hired by Marvel as a letterer. One job led to another…so I never really went after the work… I’ve been Blessed, for sure, by the Best Artist of all, Our Creator!!!